Week 6:Final Design comes into Focus

The first week of May had us focused on a final push toward a prototype design and a meeting to present that design to Meg, Ray and Mary from the board of the PDA.  Our initial focus was on further refining our systems research and collectively diagramming our structural detailing.  Sitting around a white board, we sketched and modeled numerous options and arrived at a fairly cohesive scheme.  On Wednesday, we all began cranking out small models so that we could begin to get a tangible feel for the scale and joinery of the structure.  We also used the models as an opportunity to work out a few different options for a larger, hinged opening that will act as a shaded portal for both the greenhouse and the existing building.
On Friday we met with the PDA and presented our latest Sprouthouse scheme to them.  We had a great dialogue and received some excellent feedback on the siting and overall function of our structure. The vision for the project became much clearer after our discussion and we began to see  it as both a prototype greenhouse and a multi-functional installation space.  We’ll be refining the design a bit further before staring our full scale prototyping next week!

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